My Portfolio
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My take on space invaders, a game with multiple difficulties and items of different rarities which give unique buffs. Also featuring enemies with different bullet patterns and sizes. I built this with unity as a part of a school project where we were developing our own version of old games.

My first experience with writing custom networking logic, it's a simple hacking game with a centralized server where you can create and join rooms and try to defeat other players. It's built with C# and TCPStreams, all the networking logic are simple custom written protocols for sending buffers of integers using TCP. In this project I learnt how fun it is to work with networking, which started my long standing interest on writing networking logic for videogames.

My OpenGL renderer written purely in C. I use glew, glfw to render windows and interact with openGL, I also use SConstruct as my build system, which is very convenient. I learned a lot about graphics pipelines, shaders and low level coding in this project. Insanely fun to code, not as fun to debug the segfaults.

This game was made as part of a gamejam, with a team of 5 people (three programmers, two artists). I worked on the multiplayer functionality, which was finished within the 3 day deadline. It was developed using the godot engine, using the godot high level multiplayer for the networking logic. It was very useful and easy to use, since it allowed us to create a game where you can create and join rooms using a centralized server in only 3 days.

This was my first major project, a relatively performant bullethell engine dressed up as a videogame. It was built with unity and C# and uses object pooling, together with a large configurable attack system to create different attacks at different threshholds. This project was really fun, as I learnt how to scale a project into bigger requirements as the bullethell engine grew in needs and size over time, things such as bullets which split into other bullets and lazers were difficult challanges which were tackled in this project.